Lost Pines Temporary Cover Mix
To quickly establish ground cover and help stabilize soil, a temporary cover seed is needed. The new growth will also benefit wildlife. Temporary cover seed should be applied using a broadcast method between Sept. and Dec.
Species recommended by the Lost Pines Recovery Team include:
- Elbon rye
- Beardless wheat
- Combination of Elbon rye and Beardless wheat
- Annual ryegrass should only be used in urban areas, e.g., residential lawns
Lost Pines Restoration Mix
A combination of native grass and forb species should be used in areas where natural vegetative regeneration is compromised, i.e., severely and moderately burned landscapes. The optimum planting window for long-term restoration seed is Feb. through May.
Species mix recommended by the Lost Pines Recovery Team:
Little bluestem 50%
Indiangrass 10%
Purpletop 5%
Blackwell switchgrass 5%
Green sprangletop 20%
Partridge pea 2.5%
Illinois bundleflower 5%
Maximillian sunflower 2.5%
Percentages indicate the percent of total mix.