Jan. 8,
2019 — COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Texas A&M AgriLife has awarded Joel
Hambright, Regional Forester for Texas A&M Forest Service, the 2018 Vice
Chancellor’s Award in Excellence for Public Service in Forestry.
/Hambright award.jpg)
The award
was presented Jan. 7 at the AgriLife Conference on the campus of Texas A&M
University in College Station.
has worked with Texas A&M Forest Service for more than 25 years, rising
through the ranks to Regional Forester and currently leads five agency
districts, eight professional foresters and 45 employees across 18 Southeast
Texas counties.
by his peers as innovative and solution-driven, over his career Hambright has developed
several new, cutting-edge programs for the agency.
East Texas Operations Department Head Wes Moorehead recognizes the
contribution Hambright has made to forestry over his career. “Joel’s innovative
approaches, depth of knowledge and commitment to the TFS mission has caused
positive impacts to ripple through the forestry community and can clearly be
seen throughout his tenure.”
Internal and integral to the organization, Hambright
pioneered the Texas A&M Forest Service Mentor Program by which
institutional knowledge and practical experience is transferred from senior
employees to new and developing employees. This program has helped bridge a
critical gap created by a relatively large number of new employees entering
into the agency.
devising a solution to an identified challenge, as the crime of timber theft
began to occur more frequently in recent years, foresters needed a consistent
and accurate means of estimating the volume and value of the stolen timber.
Hambright helped standardize formulas, procedures and training for foresters as
well as better prepare personnel for potential depositions.
Externally, after learning about changing forest
landowner demographics and objectives, Hambright’s vision led to the creation
of the Texas Forest Expo, an event designed to help new landowners and the
general public learn about trees, forests and natural resources. This event
later partnered with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Lone Star College
and AgriLife Extension to establish the highly successful and influential Texas Wildlife and Woodland Expo. The
Expo is currently in its 10th year, reaching approximately 10,000
people a year.
One of the
technical services provided by the state agency to Texas landowners is helping
each, one-on-one, to develop a land management plan. This is a detailed and
complex process and resulting document. Hambright developed a first-ever forest
management plan workshop where landowners draft their own plans according to
their own goals assisted by the oversight and expertise of agency or private
consulting foresters. This enables more landowners at a time to better plan for
and manage their forestland.
Hambright recognizes the value in actively
participating in professional and conservation organizations. He regularly
supports and delivers programs of the Texas Forestry Association and Texas Society
of American Foresters. He has organized numerous county landowner association
meetings, enrolled countless landowners in the Tree Farm Program, and
facilitated many Project Learning Tree and Teachers’ Conservation Institute
sessions to train current and future teachers on natural resources in a way
that aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills curriculum. He has
also served as the Professional Recognition Chair for TSAF for over 15 years,
recognizing the accomplishments of professionals and students in the field of
“Joel’s career has been a testament to what public
service in forestry should look like,” said Moorehead. “He truly puts service
before self, and people recognize that.”
The Vice Chancellor’s Awards in Excellence were established
in 1980 to recognize the commitment and outstanding contributions of faculty
and staff across Texas A&M AgriLife and provide opportunity to celebrate
the achievements of those honored. Learn more at https://agrilifeawards.tamu.edu.
Photo from left to right: Patrick Stover, Vice Chancellor and
Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Joel Hambright Regional Forester with
Texas A&M Forest Service, Tom Boggus, State Forester and Director of Texas
A&M Forest Service