Wildfire continues to threaten people and property across Texas. Rapid population growth into Wildland Urban Interface areas and an increasing frequency of elevated fire weather conditions represent major concerns moving forward. Heightened awareness of wildfire risk, prevention and mitigation are becoming increasingly important to ensure safety. The Texas Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal provides access to information that describes wildfire risk statewide.
Texas Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal, or TxWRAP continues to be developed by Texas A&M Forest Service GIS specialists. It is comprised of a suite of applications tailored to support specific information requirements for the public, local community groups, government officials, professional hazard-mitigation planners and wildland fire managers. Collectively these applications provide the baseline information needed to support mitigation and prevention efforts across the state.
+ Objective
The goal of the project is to provide a consistent, comparable set of scientific results to be used as a foundation for wildfire mitigation and prevention planning across Texas. Results of the assessment can be used to help prioritize areas in the state where tactical analyses, community interaction and education, or mitigation treatments might be necessary to reduce risk from wildfires.
+ Key Priorities
- Identify areas that are most prone to wildfire.
- Identify areas that may require additional tactical planning, specifically related to mitigation projects and Community Wildfire Protection Planning.
- Provide information necessary to justify resource, budget and funding requests.
- Allow agencies to work together to better define priorities and improve emergency response, particularly across jurisdictional boundaries.
- Increase communication with local residents and the public to address community priorities and needs.
- Plan for response and suppression resource needs.
- Plan and prioritize hazardous fuel treatment programs.