The Texas A&M Forest Service offers grants to landowners to complete prescribed fires on private land. Each grant targets landowners in different priority areas across the state. The 2017 Prescribed Burn Grant Recipients are listed below.
The Community Protection Program Grant provides assistance to reduce the hazard of high-risk fuels on private lands through the use of prescribed burning. The treatment area will be within 10 miles of a National Forest boundary. The grant's goal is to protect high-risk communities and associated forest resources by reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire on private and public lands. Priority will be given to projects that meet both criteria.
The National Fire Plan Grant provides assistance to communities that have been or may be
threatened by wildfire by funding prescribed burning to reduce hazardous
fuels in and around communities. Treatment areas will be private property
in the 30 Texas Counties that have a Community Wildfire Protection Plan within the county. The goal is to protect high-risk communities and aid
in ecosystem restoration by utilizing prescribed fire to consume excess
vegetation before it contributes to catastrophic wildfire. Priority will be
given to treatments sites that are within a CWPP, located near a Firewise community,
located near homes based on Texas Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal and
contain ecosystems that will benefit from prescribed fire.
Neches River and Cypress Basin
Watershed Restoration Program - Prescribed Fire Grant provides assistance to landowners in
utilizing prescribed fire for ecological improvement to the Neches River and
Cypress Basin watersheds. This program will benefit the public and natural
resources through improvement of water quality and quantity, control of
invasive species and enhancement of wildlife habitat. Treatment areas
will be private property in the Neches River and Cypress Basin Watersheds.
Priority will be given to prescribed burn treatments that promote native
ecosystem restoration, are in priority watershed protection zones and near
public land.
The Texas Longleaf Conservation Assistance Program provides eligible landowners with financial and technical assistance for establishing, enhancing and managing longleaf pine. Landowners with property within ten East Texas counties which include Angelina, Hardin, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Newton, Polk, San Augustine, Sabine, Trinity and Tyler are eligible to apply. Approved participants may receive up to 50% payment not to exceed a standard cap rate for implementing approved conservation practices. Approved conservation practices include prescribed burning, reforestation, site preparation and forest stand improvement.
Funding for this program is provided by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and are administered through the Texas Longleaf Pine Implementation Team and Texas A&M Forest Service.
+ Community Protection Program - Prescribed Fire Grant
Scope of Project:
Reduce the hazard of high-risk fuels on private lands through the use of prescribed burning. Treatment area will be within 10 miles of a National Forest boundary. The grant's goal is to protect high-risk communities and associated forest resources by reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire on private and public lands. Priority will be given to projects that meet both criteria.
To apply, complete either the online form or the printable document:
2016 CPP Grant Summary
2015 CPP grant Summary

See individual maps of each national forest in Texas by clicking the link below.
Angelina NF
Davy Crockett NF
Sabine NF
Sam Houston NF
+ National Fire Plan - Prescribed Fire Grant
Scope of
Provide assistance to communities that have been or may be
threatened by wildland fire by funding prescribed burning to reduce hazardous
fuels in and around communities. Treatment areas will be private property
in the 30 Texas Counties that have a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
within the county. The goal is to protect high-risk communities and aid
in ecosystem restoration by utilizing prescribed fire to consume excess
vegetation before it contributes to catastrophic wildfire. Priority will be
given to treatments sites that are within a CWPP, located near a Firewise community,
located near homes based on Texas Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (TxWRAP), and
contain ecosystems that will benefit from prescribed fire.
The total
funding for these grants is $20,690.00. No cost shares are involved with
this grant program. Grant recipients
will be reimbursed actual per acre costs associated with conducting the
prescribed burn not to exceed the maximum reimbursement rate of $30.00 per acre
with a total limit of 300 acres per recipient.
To apply, complete either the online form or the printable document:

+ Neches River and Cypress Basin Watershed Restoration Program- Prescribed Fire Grant
Scope of Project:
To provide assistance to landowners in
utilizing prescribed fire for ecological improvement to the Neches River and
Cypress Basin watersheds. This program will benefit the public and natural
resources through improvement of water quality and quantity, control of
invasive species, and enhancement of wildlife habitat. Treatment areas
will be private property in the Neches River and Cypress Basin Watersheds.
Priority will be given to prescribed burn treatments that promote native
ecosystem restoration, are in priority watershed protection zones, and near
public land.
The total funding for these grants is $78,125.00. Grant recipients will be reimbursed actual per acre costs
associated with conducting the prescribed burn, not to exceed the maximum
reimbursement rate of $22.50 per acre with a total limit of 800 acres per
To apply, complete either the online form or the printable document:

See individual maps of each watershed eligible for this grant by clicking on the links below:
Cypress Basin Watershed Map
North Neches Basin Watershed Map
South Neches Basin Watershed