Your TFS Password grants access to the following systems (where applicable):
Changing your TFS Password using the instructions below will change the password for all of the above systems.
If your primary office is College Station or Lufkin, the steps below will also change the password for your computer. In some cases, there can be up to a 15 minute delay before your computer gets updated.
To change your TFS Password, follow these steps:
(Note: These instructions are for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.)
- Go to the TFS Outlook Web App (OWA) at
(Note: Even if you only use Microsoft Outlook or your smart phone to check e-mail, you still need to change your password via TFS OWA.)
- Login.
- In the upper, right-hand corner of the webpage, click the "Gear" icon.
- Click "Change Password" from the drop-down menu.
- Enter your old password, and then a new password. *
Be sure to confirm your new password.
- Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
- Once you click "Save", you will be automatically logged out. Login again with your new password.
* When choosing your new password be sure to note the following complexity requirements:
- Make your password a long one, at least eight characters.
- Include at least one upper-case letter.
- Include at least one lower-case letter.
- Include at least one number [0-9] or special character [ex. !@#$%^&...]
- Be sure not to use any personally identifiable information in any part of your password.
(ex. Your name, username, birthday, home address, employee ID, etc...) - Make sure your password was not used for the last four changes.
(Note: TFS OWA will display an error message if any one of the above requirements are not met.)
Tip: If your primary office is not College Station or Lufkin, go ahead and change your computer passwords as well. Expand the next section to get started.
Trouble Signing in or can't remember your TFS password? Contact the IR Help Desk.
Call: (979) 458-7309 or start a support session.